Zašto odjednom mnogo Indijaca dolazi u Srbiju?
ponedeljak, 19 jul 2021 09:40Manji broj hospitalizovanih, manje i covid bolnica
ponedeljak, 24 maj 2021 17:14Evropska komisija predložila uvođenje digitalnog zelenog sertifikata
sreda, 17 mart 2021 21:34Osim u covid ambulantama, veliki broj testiranja na virus i u privatnim laboratorijama
utorak, 15 decembar 2020 12:38Osim u COVID-ambulantama niškog Doma zdravlja i Zavoda za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika, gde svakog dana na prvi ili kontrolni pregled dođe oko 2.000 obolelih ili sa simptomima zarazne bolesti COVID-19, sve više Nišlija se testira i u privatnim laboratorijama, gde su dostupni antigenski i serološki testovi.
U Srbiji rekord od 512 novozaraženih, za sada nema uvođenja novih mera
četvrtak, 22 oktobar 2020 12:49Testovi na covid iz Niša u laboratorijama širom sveta
nedelja, 11 oktobar 2020 17:33What determines the course of corona virus infection?
ponedeljak, 14 septembar 2020 12:42Six months have passed since the corona virus found its place in Serbia. During that time, many details became clearer - the mode of transmission and the diversity of the clinical picture, and the possibility of reinfection was also discovered. Many scientific institutions and laboratories are still researching the details of the virus and disease. For patients, however, the most important thing is how to understand the test results in the case of testing and how to overcome the infection most easily. We are talking about this with Sasa Trickovic, director of NeoMedica, a company that has developed a unique concept of a monotest system for the detection of viruses and infectious diseases.