Medju žrtvama je dosta starijih žena, a nasilnici su uglavnom njihovi supružnici ili deca. Na žalost, bilo je slučajeva gde su starice istovremeno zlostavljali i suprug i deca, izjavila je za Medijski istraživački centar koordinator pomenutog tima, doktorka Lucija Hristov Mitić.

Lucija Hristov Mitić
Prema njenim rečima, radeći sa ženama žrtvama porodičnog nasilja, lekari Doma zdravlja susretali su se proteklih godina jako teškim životnim pričama.
„Imali smo pacijentkinju koja je priznala da je maltene čitavog života bila žrtva porodičnog nasilja. Ispričala nam je da ju je suprug tukao godinama, čak i nekoliko poslednjih dana pre smrti. Nije mogao da ustaje iz kreveta, ali kada god bi ona prišla da ga nahrani ili presvuče udarao ju je štapom“, rekla je Hristov Mitić.
Ona je kazala da Tim za pomoć ženama koji sačinjavaju izabrani lekar, psiholog, socijalni radnik i ginekolog, svaku prijavu porodičnog nasilja odmah prosledjuje policiji i Centru za socijalni rad.
„U isto vreme kada je formiran Tim za pomoć ženama koje su žrtve porodičnog nasilja, Dom zdravlja je počeo da u slučajevima porodičnog nasilja primenjuje poseban protokol Ministarstva zdravlja. Na osnovu protokola napravljeni su plan i procedura postupanja u tim slučajevima. Akutno prisutne povrede žrtve najpre se zbrinjavaju, a žena se upućuje hirurgu, psihologu ili psihijatru. Izabrani lekar, ili lekar koji je dežuran kada žena prijavi nasilje, obavezno popunjava poseban obrazac koji propisuje Ministarstvo zdravlja i upisuje sve povrede žrtve. Obrazac predstavlja zvaničan medicinski dokument dostupan samo ženi, i eventualno sudu, u slučaju pokretanja krivičnog postupka“, izjavila je Hristov Mitić.
Ona je kazala da se u slučaju kada se žena upućuje psihijatru obavezno u uputu upisuje posebna šifra koja pokazuje da je u pitanju žrtva porodičnog nasilja, kako joj se kasnije, u toku sudjenja i borbe oko starateljstva nad decom, ne bi pripisale neke psihijatrijske dijagnoze.

„Nakon zbrinjavanja aktunih povreda žrtve porodičnog nasilja, najbitnije je njeno osnaživanje, a ne deljenje gotovih saveta poput onih „razvedite se“ ili „zašto trpite“. Cilj osnaživanja je da žrtva postane svesna toga da je žrtva nasilja i da o njemu progovori. Mnoge žene nisu svesne da je nasilje to što im je muž udario šamar, šutnuo ih i vredjao ih. Dešava se da žene kažu „on mene nikada nije pretukao“. One moraju da shvate da su šamar i verbalno nasilje, takodje nasilje. Nije nasilje samo ukoliko vas neko pretuče „na smrt“ ili vam zada teške telesne povrede. O nasilju svakako mora da se više priča da bi žene koje su izložene nasilje, prepoznale da jesu žrtve porodičnog nasilja“, istakla je Hristov Mitić.
Prema njenim rečima, dosadašnje iskustvo zaposlenih u niškom Domu zdravlja pokazuje da obično prodje od devet do 11 godina dok žena prizna lekaru, rodjacima ili prijateljima da je žrtva porodičnog nasilja.
„To je veoma dug period za koji žena prihvati jedan takav način života. Vremenom je nasilje sve izraženije, a mogućnost da se ženi pomogne sve je manja i manja jer nasilje prihvata kao svoj život, bilo zbog finansijske zavisnosti od nasilnika i zbog toga što nema gde da ode, ili zbog ucena da će joj oduzeti decu, izjavila je Hristov Mitić.

Ona je kazala da Dom zdravlja od 2012. godine kontinuirano radi na edukciji zaposlenih kako bi svi medicinski radnici prihvatili porodično nasilje kao krivično delo i borili se protiv njega.
„Stalno organizujemo seminare i treninge na kojima lekare podsećamo da je porodično nasilje krivično delo protiv koga se moramo svi zajedno boriti. Samim tim što evidentiramo porodično nasilje automatski se stavljamo se na stranu žrtve, a ne onog ko je počinilac. Za nasilje je kriv samo nasilnik. Ne možemo ženu koja je žrtva porodičnog nasilja da osudimo za to, da je smatramo krivom iz bilo kog razloga. Ona ni zbog čega nije kriva jer niko nema pravo da bilo koga maltretira, da bije i vredja“, naglasila je Hristov Mitić.
Dom zdravlja u Nišu proglašen je od strane obudsmana Republike Srbije 2014. godine za najbolji Dom zdravlja u Srbiji u pogledu primene protokola o postupanju u slučajevima porodičnog nasilja. Iste godine je predsednik Parlamentarne komisije za kontrolu izvršenja krivičnih dela i predsednik Odbora Skupštine Republike Srbije za ljudska i manjinska prava Meho Omerović takodje proglasio niški Dom zdravlja za najbolji u primeni protokola.
Piše: B.Ljubisavljević
Foto: Ivan Dinić

Doctors treat the wounds, but also the soul of abused women
In five years, as the Health Care Center in Niš is run by the Women's Support Team that are victims of domestic violence, 109 cases of domestic violence have been reported in the institution.
Among the victims are a lot of older women, and the perpetrators are mainly their spouses or children. Unfortunately, there were cases where the elderly women were at the same time abused both by husband and children, coordinator of the aforementioned team, Dr. Lucija Hristov Mitic, told the Media Research Center.
According to her, working with women, victims of domestic violence, doctors of the Health Center met with very difficult life stories in the past years.
"We had a patient who admitted that she was, almost her entire life, a victim of domestic violence. She told us that her husband had been beating her for years, even a few days before her death. He could not get out of bed, but whenever she came to feed or change him, he hit her with a stick, "said Hristov Mitic.
She said that the Women's Assistance Team, which consists of a chosen doctor, psychologist, social worker and gynecologist, immediately sends every report of domestic violence to the police and the Center for Social Work.
"At the same time when the Women's Help Team was formed, dealing with women as victims of domestic violence, the Health Center has begun implementing a special protocol of the Ministry of Health in cases of domestic violence. Based on the protocol, a plan and procedure for dealing with these cases were formed. The victim's acute injuries are first taken care of, and the woman is referred to a surgeon, psychologist or psychiatrist. The chosen doctor, or a doctor who is on duty when a woman reports violence, must fill in a special form prescribed by the Ministry of Health and register all victim's injuries. The form is an official medical document available only to woman, and possibly to the court, in case of initiating criminal proceedings, "said Hristov Mitic.
She said that in cases when a woman is sent to a psychiatrist, a special code indicating that she is a victim of domestic violence must be inscribed, as she later, during the trial and fight over custody of children, would not be attributed some psychiatric diagnosis.
"After taking care of the acute injuries of the victim of domestic violence, the most important is her empowerment, not the sharing of ready-made advice such as" divorce "or" why you suffer ". The goal of empowerment is to make the victim aware of being a victim of violence and talking about it. Many women are unaware that the violence is that their husband slapped them, kicked them and insult them. It happens that women say "he never beat me up". They have to understand that slap and verbal violence are also violence. It is not only violence if someone beat you "to death" or causes serious bodily harm to you. Violence must certainly be more talked about in order for women exposed to violence to recognize that they are victims of domestic violence, "stressed Hristov Mitic.
According to her, the previous experience of the employees in the Niš Health Center shows that usually nine to eleven years pass when a woman confesses to a doctor, relatives or friends that she is a victim of domestic violence.
"It's a very long time for a woman to accept one such way of life. Over time, violence is more present, and the ability to help women is getting smaller and smaller because they accept violence as their life, either because of the financial dependence of the perpetrators and because there is no place to go or because of the blackmail to take away her children from her, Hristov Mitic said.
She said that the Health Center has been continuously working on educating the staff since 2012 to ensure that all medical workers accept domestic violence as a criminal offense and fight against it.
"We are constantly organizing seminars and trainings where we remind doctors that family violence is a crime against which we must all fight together. By registering domestic violence, we are automatically placed on the side of the victim, not the perpetrator. For an act of violence, only the perpetrator is guilty. We cannot condemn a woman who is a victim of domestic violence, that we consider her guilty for any reason. She is not guilty of anything because no one has the right to maltreat anyone, to beat and harm, "emphasized Hristov Mitić.
The Health Center in Nis was proclaimed by the ombudsman of Republic of Serbia in 2014 for the best Health Center in Serbia regarding the implementation of the protocol on treatment in cases of domestic violence. That same year, the President of the Parliamentary Commission for the Control of Criminal Offenses and the Chairman of the Committee of the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia for Human and Minority Rights, Meho Omerović, also proclaimed Niš Health Center for the best in the implementation of the protocol.
Text: B. Ljubisavljević
Translation: Mladen Djordjević