U otprilike 20 odsto predmeta koja se vode u tužilaštvu žrtve su starije osobe, izjavila je za Medijski istraživački centar zamenik Osnovnog javnog tužilaštva i predsedavajuća Grupe za koordinaciju i saradnju Tatjana Stevanović.

Tatjana Stevanović
Prema njenim rečima, ima slučajeva gde je supružnik počinilac nasilja, ali najčešće se radi o nasilju dece prema starim roditeljima.
„Ti predmeti su problematični zato što se radi o roditeljskom odnosu. Žrtve obično jako teško prijavljuju nasilje, a i kada ga prijave, vrlo je često odustajanje od daljeg učestvovanja u postupku što zaista otežava rad pravosudnim organima“, kazala je Stevanović.
Ona je istakla da se, kada je reč o porodičnom nasilju nad starijim osobama, uglavnom radi o ženama čiji su muževi preminulu, a nasilnici su sinovi.
„Moje dosadašnje iskustvo pokazuje da se obično se radi o udovicama i sinovima koji su se razveli i vratili u roditeljski dom. U takvim situacijama sinovi smatraju da celokupna imovina treba da pripadne njima, a zapravo su stanovi vlasništvo majke. Oni borave u tim stanovima ali ni na koji način se ne brinu o majkama. Sa druge strane očekuju da im majke budu na usluzi sve vreme, a da im se pri tom „sklanjaju s puta“ u svakom smislu te reči“, istakla je Stevanović.

Kako je kazala Stevanović, njeno iskustvo govori da su te žene vrlo nesaradljive u krivičnom postupku, a taj problem trebalo bi da bude prevazidjen saslušanjem očevidaca i radnika Centra za socijalni rad.
Stevanović je istakla da su se od stupanja na snagu novog Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, policija, sud i tužilaštvo specijalizovali kako bi dodatnu pažnju posvetili slučajevima porodičnog nasilja, odnosno odredjeni su policajci, sudije i tužioce specijalizovani za postupanje u slučajevima porodičnog nasilja.
„ U Osnovnom javnom tužilaštvu (OJT) u Nišu formirana je grupa od četiri zamenika Osnovnog javnog tužilaštva koja je specijalizovana za rad po pomenutom Zakonu. Ta grupa se osim nasiljem u porodici bavi i nedavanjem izdržavanja i velikom grupom krivičnih dela koja spadaju u grupu krivičnih dela protiv braka i porodice“, izjavila je Stevanović.

Prema njenim rečima, Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici predvideo je nekoliko vrsta postupaka kod svake prijave nasilja i svi postupci funkcionišu u Nišu od samog dana stupanja na snagu novog zakona.
„Kada se porodično nasilje prijavi policiji, policijski službenici vode razgovore i prikupljaju obaveštenja. U zavisnosti od procene rizika policija izriče hitnu meru zabrane prilaska i komunikacije sa žrtvom ili hitnu meru privremenog iseljenja iz stana u trajanju od 48 sati. Već u toku prva 24 časa od izricanja hitne mere predmet se iz policije dostavlja tužilaštvu. Grupa koja je formirana u tužilaštvu vrednuje procenu rizika policijskih službenika i po potrebi, ukoliko oceni da postoji opasnost od nasilja u porodici, predlaže produženje hitne mere na još 30 dana. O predlogu tužilaštva odlučuje Osnovni sud“, rekla je Stevanović.
Za šest meseci primene Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici Prekršajni sud u Nišu izrekao je 63 kazne zbog nepoštovanja hitne mere zabrane prilaska žrtvi ili iseljenja iz stana. Prema podacima Uprave niškog Prekršajnog suda, 59 osoba koje su prekršila Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici kažnjeno je zatvorskom kaznom u visini od sedam do 60 dana. Podaci govore da je maksimalnom kaznom od 60 dana zatvora kažnjeno šest osoba, a samo jedna osoba kažnjeno je sa sedam dana zatvora. Najveći broj osoba, njih 18 kažnjeno je zatvorskom kaznom od 30 dana.
Ona je kazala da za 32 dana koliko traje hitna mera, sve druge institucije koje učestvuju u zaštiti žrtve rade svoj posao.
„Kao što se Osnovno javno tužilaštvo po hitnom postupku obaveštava o prijavi, po hitnom postupku se o prijavi porodičnog nasilja obaveštava i Centar za socijalni rad. Zaposleni u Centru razgovaraju sa žrtvom, počionicem i sa svim drugim ukućanima koji mogu da im pomognu da dodju do neophodnih saznanja o porodici. Centar za socijalni rad na osnovu tih saznanja sastavlja izveštaj i dostavlja ga tužilaštvu. U slučaju da tužilaštvo proceni da se radi o krivičnom delu nasilja u porodici pokreće se krivični postupak, bez obzira da li je izrečena hitna mera ili ne“, objasnila je Stevanović i dodala da se sve pomenute aktivnosti tužilaštva predstavljaju prvi aspekt primene Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici.
Prema njenim rečima, drugi aspekt delovanja predvidjen Zakonom o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici je formiranje Grupe za koordinaciju i saradnju. Grupu čini po jedan predstavnik Osnovnog javnog tužilaštva, Centra za socijalni rad i policije.
„Članovi grupe se svakog petka sastaju u tužilaštvu i razmatraju svaki slučaj koji policija prijavi, bez obzira da li su hitne mere izrečene ili ne. Naizmenično se razmatraju predmeti sa područja Niša i sa područja Doljevca, Gadžinog Hana i Svrljiga. Grupa za koordinaciju izradjuje individualne planove zaštite i podrške. Članovi grupe predlažu mere koje policija, tužilaštvo i Centar za socijalni rad treba da preduzmu u konkretnim slučajevima, izjavila je Stevanović.
Ona je kazala da treći apsekt primene Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, predstavlja saradnja u koju su uključene i sudije. Sud se, dodala je Stevanović, uz posredovanje lica za vezu, svakodnevno upoznaje sa svim dešavanjima koja se odnose na nasilje u porodici.
Piše: B.Ljubisavljević
Foto: Saša Đorđević

Parental love stronger than children's violence
Since the beginning of the implementation of the new Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, on June 1st this year, the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Niš has initiated 650 cases related to domestic violence.
Approximately 20 percent of the cases in prosecutor’s office are elderly, according to the deputy of Basic Public Prosecutor's Office, and Chairperson of the Group for Coordination and Cooperation, declared Tatjana Stevanovic for Media Research Center.
According to her, there are cases where the spouse is the perpetrator of violence, but most often it is the violence of children against older parents. "These objects are problematic because they deal with parental relationship. It is usually very difficult for victims to report violence, and even when they report it, the case of withdrawing from further participation in proceedings happens very often, which makes the work of the judicial authorities more difficult, "Stevanovic said.
She pointed out that, when it comes to domestic violence against elderly people, it is mainly about women whose husbands are deceased, and violators are sons.
"My experience so far shows that it is usually about widows and sons who have divorced and returned to their parental home. In such situations, the sons consider that the entire property should belong to them, and in fact, the apartments are the property of the mother.
They stay in these apartments, but in no way do they care about their mothers. On the other hand, they expect their mothers to be at their service all the time, but to "get out of the way" in every sense of the word, "said Stevanovic.
As Stevanovic said, her experience shows that these women are very uncooperative in the criminal procedure, and this problem should be overcome by examining eyewitnesses and workers of the Center for Social Work. Stevanovic emphasized that since the new Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence came into force, the police, the court and the prosecutor's office got specialized in devoting additional attention to cases of domestic violence, that is, police officers, judges and prosecutors specialized in cases of domestic violence were appointed. "A group of four deputies of the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office, which is specialized in the work under the aforementioned Law, was formed in the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Niš. Apart from violence in the family, the group also deals with the lack of support and a large group of criminal offenses belonging to a group of criminal offenses against marriage and family, "Stevanovic said.
According to her, the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence predicted several types of procedures for every report of violence and all procedures have been operating in Nis since the date of the coming into force of the new law. "When domestic violence is reported to the police, police officers are conducting interviews and collecting notifications. Depending on the assessment of the risk, the police imposes an emergency measure of prohibition of access and communication with the victim or an urgent measure of temporary eviction of the violator from the apartment for a period of 48 hours. Already during the first 24 hours after the imposition of an emergency measure, the case is delivered from the police to the prosecutor’s office.
The group formed in the prosecutor's office evaluates the assessment of the risk of police officers and, if needed, if they assess that there is a risk of domestic violence, they propose the extending of the emergency measure for another 30 days. About the proposal of the prosecutor’s office is decided by the Basic Court, "said Stevanovic.
She said that in 32 days of emergency, all other institutions involved in the protection of the victim are doing their job. "As the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office is notified of the application in an urgent procedure, the Center for Social Work is also notified on an urgent basis on the application of family violence.
Employees at the Center speak with the victim, the perpetrator, and all the other people who can help them to get the necessary information about the family. Based on these findings, the Center for Social Work composes the report and delivers it to the prosecutor’s office. In the event that the prosecution estimates that it is a criminal offense of domestic violence, criminal proceedings are initiated, regardless of whether an emergency measure has been imposed, "Stevanovic explained, adding that all the aforementioned prosecution activities represent the first aspect of the implementation of the Law on the prevention of violence in the family.
According to her, another aspect of the activities envisaged by the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence is the establishment of the Coordination and Cooperation Group. The group consists of one representative of the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office, the Center for Social Work and the Police. "Members of the group meet every Friday in the prosecutor’s office and consider every case reported by the police, whether or not the emergency measures are imposed.
The cases from the area of Nis and from the areas of Doljevac, Gadzin Han and Svrljig are alternately considered. The Coordination Group develops individual protection and support plans. Members of the group propose measures that the police, the prosecution and the Center for Social Work should take in concrete cases, Stevanovic said. She said that the third aspect of the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence was cooperation involving judges. The court, Stevanovic added, with the mediation of the liaison, gets acquainted on a daily basis with all the events related to domestic violence.
In six months of the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the Misdemeanor Court in Nis pronounced 63 sentences for failure to comply with an urgent measure prohibiting the victim's admission or eviction from the apartment. According to the data of the Administration of the Nis Misdemeanor Court, 59 persons who violated the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence have been sentenced to imprisonment of seven to 60 days. The data show that the maximum sentence of 60 days of imprisonment was imposed on six people, and only one person was sentenced to seven days in prison. The largest number of people, 18 of them, were sentenced to 30 days in prison.
Text: B.Ljubisavljević
Translation: Mladen Djordjević