“OTV” ispričala priče koje nedostaju građanima
Medijski istraživački centar je zajedno sa svojim regionalnim partnerima iz Makedonije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore, uspešno je realizovao projekat ''Formiranje lokalnih neprofitnih medija OTV na prostoru Zapadnog Balkana''.
Revitalizacija medija na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije je proizašlo iz jednogodišnjeg projekta koji je podržala Evropska unija, koji su zajedno realizovale četiri organizacije: Medijski istraživački centar Niš, SPONA iz Berana, AKTIS iz Prilepa i KVART iz Prijedora. Teme kojima se OTV bavila bile su priče o ljudima, njihovim zanimanjima, o problemima, o radu nevladninih organizacija, ali i o zanimljivim i nesvakidašnjim stvarima. Rezultat zajedničke saradnje je realizacija 370 medijskih priloga različitog žanra sa temama koje nisu u fokusu pažnje javnih medijskih servisa i komercijalnih medija u ovim zemljama.
''Imali smo dosta posla ove godine i rezultati su vidljivi na našem portalu u delu koji se zove Otvorena televizija. Ideja projekta je da se afirmiše delovanje Nevladinih organizacija, kao i da se obrati pažnja na građane u lokalnim sredinama u svim zemljama koje su obuhvaćene projektom. Pokušali smo da se bavimo pre svega temama koje nisu interesantne drugim lokalnim medijima posebno javnim servisima u tim zemljama, ali i privatnim medijima i koje, tako, u Srbiji i Nišu nedostaju'', istakao je Koordinator projekta i glavni o odgovorni urednik MIC-a Slobodan Jovanović.
Da su prilozi zanimljivi građanima, pokazuje i statistika koja postoji na društvenim mrežama. Zabeležno je povećano interesovanje stalnih čitalaca portala MIC-a i pratilaca na društvenim mrežamai. Interesantno je pomenuti da su pratioci objava sa velikim interesovanjem čitali i gledali priloge iz drugih regiona sa jednakim interesom kao i lokalne teme i zanimljivosti. Zanimljivo iskustvo je bilo sa ciljanim izborom potencijalnih čitalaca za odrđene priloge sa univerzalnom tematikom. Desilo se da tema o zaštiti reka na Staroj planini bude izuzetno dobro praćena kod čitalaca u Čikagu.
''Jako smo zadovoljni time što je naš portal postao veoma gledan. Bilo je različitih priloga, a naročito smo srećni jer je bilo priča koje su imale preko 20.000 posetilaca. Naš cilj bio je da promovišeno ono što interesuje građane, a želja nam je da jednog dana, nadamo se vrlo brzo, formiramo u Nišu neprofitni medij koji će se zvati Otvorena televizija koji će biti u vlasništvu građana Niša. Važno je da imamo ljude koji žele da se bave tim temama, a znamo da Niš ima dobre novinare i medijske stručnjake koji su se više puta dokazali u ovoj oblasti'', rekao je Jovanović.
Regionalna mreža neprofitnih medija OTV nastavlja sa radom sopstvenim snagama uz korišćenje dosadašnjeg jednogodišnjeg iskustva sa idejom da se proširi broj neprofitnih medija u velikom broju zemalja u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope.
Za sam završetak projekta, Medijski istraživački centar je pripremio još jednu zanimljivu priču i promovisao je u EU info kutku. Reč je o dokumentarnom filmu pod nazivom ''Made in Ei''.
''Film predstavlja jedno viđenje čoveka koji je ceo svoj radni vek proveo u Elekktronskoj industriji i sve što je uradio nosi pečat Ei. Na našem portalu se uz film može naći priča o tome šta je Elektronska industrija. Pokušavamo da aktuelizujemo jedan problem nečeg što je jako važno za NIŠ – GRAD ELEKTRONIKE, jer smo svi zaboravili tu Elektronsku industriju u kojoj je radilo oko 20.000 ljudi'', kazao je urednik MIC-a.
Priče kojima su se učesnici projekta bavili mogu se naći na sajtu Medijskog istraživačkog centra Niš (www.mic.org.rs).
Inače, čitav projekat realizovan je pod pokroviteljstvom Evropske unije u okviru komponente programa malih grantova "Zaštita slobode medija i slobode izražavanja na zapadnom Balkanu" koju implementira Udruženje hrvatskih novinara kao deo regionalnog projekta Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijske slobode i sigurnosti medija u regionu Zapadnog Balkana, kroz partnerski odnos šest regionalnih Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS), Udruženje novinara BiH (BHJ), Udruženje hrvatskih novinara (HND), Asocijacija novinara Kosova (AJK), Udruženje novinara Makedonije (AJM) i Sindikat medija Crne Gore (TUMM) i finansiran od strane EU IPA programa, uz sufinansiranje od strane Kancelarije hrvatske vlade za nevladine organizacije (EuropeAid / 150147 / DH / ACT / PRAREG)..
TV prilog objavljen na NTV NiŠ
"OTV" told stories that the citizens' miss
The Media Research Center, together with its regional partners from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, successfully implemented the project "Formation of local non-profit media of OTV in the Western Balkans".
The revitalization of the media in the former Yugoslavia resulted from a one-year project supported by the European Union, implemented jointly by four organizations: Media Research Center Nis, SPONA from Berane, AKTIS from Prilep and KVART from Prijedor. The topics covered by the OTV were stories about people, their professions, about problems, about the work of non-governmental organizations, but also about interesting and unusual things. The result of the joint cooperation is the realization of 370 media items of different genres with topics that are not in the focus of public media services and commercial media in these countries.
"We've had a lot of work this year and the results are visible on our portal in the part called Open Television. The idea of the project is to promote the work of NGOs and to pay attention to citizens in local communities in all the countries covered by the project. We tried to deal primarily with topics that are not interesting to other local media, in particular, public services in these countries, but also in private media, and which, therefore, are missing in Serbia and Nis, "said Project Coordinator and Chief Editor of the MIC Slobodan Jovanovic.
That the publications are interesting to citizens, also shows the statistics that exist on social networks. There is an increased interest in the permanent readers of the MIC portal and followers on the social networks. It is interesting to note that the followers of the publications have read and watched the media attachments from other regions with the same interest as with local topics and other interesting things. An interesting experience was with the targeted selection of potential readers for particular media attachments with universal themes. It happened that the topic of the protection of the rivers on Stara Planina has been very well followed by readers in Chicago.
"We are very pleased that our portal has become very popular. There were various publications, and we are especially happy because there were stories that had over 20,000 visitors. Our goal was to promote what citizens are interested in, and we hope that one day, we hope very soon, we will form a non-profit media in Nis that will be called Open Television, which will be owned by the citizens of Nis. It is important that we have people who want to deal with these issues, and we know that Niš has good journalists and media experts who have proven themselves more often in this area, "Jovanovic said.
The regional network of non-profit OTV media continues to operate on its own using the previous one-year experience with the idea of expanding the number of non-profit media in a large number of countries in the region of Southeast Europe.
For the completion of the project, the Media Research Center has prepared another interesting story and promoted it in the EU info corner. It's about a documentary titled "Made in Ei".
"The film presents the vision of a man who spent his entire working life in the Electronic industry and everything he did was marked by Ei. On our portal, along with the film you can also find a story about what the Electronic Industry is about. We are trying to actualize a problem of something that is very important for NIS - THE ELECTRONIC TOWN because we all forgot about the Electronic Industry, where about 20,000 people worked, "said the editor of the MIC.
Stories that the participants of the project dealt with can be found on the site of the Media Research Center Nis (www.mic.org.rs).
Furthermore, the whole project was implemented under the patronage of the European Union within the framework of the component of the small grant's project “Forming of non-profitable local community media OPEN TV" (reg. number REG03SRB) on party of the Grantee, in the scope of the small grants programme component “Protecting Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans” implemented by the Croatian Journalists’ Association as part of the regional project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, carried out through partnership of six regional journalists’ association – Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS), Association of BH Journalists (BHJ), Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM) and financed by the EU IPA programme, with co-financing from the Croatian Government Office for NGOs. (EuropeAid/150147/DH/ACT/PRAREG).
Tekst: Redakcija MIC
Foto: Saša Djordjević