Petnjica: Održan Okrugli sto na temu “Treba li nam lokalna televizija? Kakva ona treba da bude?”

septembar 29 2018

Ideje o otvaranju lokalnih, neprofitnih, TV stanica predstavljaju pravi okvir za informisanje građana o njihovim problemima i rješavanjima, o događajima koji obilježvaju njihove sredine i pojavama koje su njihov specifikum, zaključak je Okruglog stola koji je juče održan u Petnjici.

Okrugli sto na temu “Treba li nam lokalna televizija? Kakva ona treba da bude?”, organizovala je NVO Spona iz Berana u okviru projekta “Otvorena televizija (OTV)”.

Učestvujući u raspravi, Samir Agović - predsjednik Opštine Petnjica, pored ostalog, istakao je da ideja o otvaranju lokalne televizije je dobrodošla iz razloga što način plasiranja informacija građanima bi se razlikovao kako od Javnog servisa tako i od komercijalnih medija.

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“Mi podržavamo takav koncpet i nadamo se da bi takva lokalna TV mogla da zaživi. U svakoj sredini informisanost treba da bude na većem nivou pa i u našoj. Osnovna stvar svake sredine jeste da lokalna uprava predstavi građanima ono što radi, a to najbolje može putem medija. U tom kontekstu i vidimo rad lokalne i neprofitne TV kuće, koja bi, po svojoj koncepciji i funkcionisanju, nadomjestila ono što iz objektivnih i drugih razloga propuste Javni servis i komercijalne televizije”, istakao je predsjednik petnjičke opštine, a sličnog mišljenja su bili i drugi diskutanti Okruglog stola.

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Inače, jučerašnji Okrugli sto u Petnjici predstavljao je treći po redu koji je u sklopu realizacije projekta “Otvorena Televizija (OTV)” organizovala NVO “Spona” koja je jedan od partnera projekta. Prije Petnjice, održani su u Bijelom Polju i Andrijevici.

Podsjećanja radi, pored NVO “Spona”, kao jedine iz Crne Gore, projekat “Otvorena Televizija (OTV)” realizuju partnerske organizacije iz Makedonije, Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine, a nosilac projekta je Medijski istraživački centar (MIC) iz Niša.

Realizacija projekta je započela prvog novembra 2017. godine, a završava se 30. septembra.


Petnjica: Roundtable on the topic "Do we need local television? What is it supposed to be?"

The idea of opening local, non-profit, TV stations is a real framework for informing citizens about their problems and solutions, about the events that mark their environment and the phenomena that are their specification, the conclusion of the Roundtable that was held yesterday in Petnjica.

Roundtable on the topic "Do we need local television? What is it supposed to be?” was organized by NGO “Spona” from Berane within the project "Open Television (OTV)".

Participating in the discussion, Samir Agović - the president of the Municipality of Petnjica, among other things, pointed out that the idea of opening a local TV station is welcome because the way of placing information to citizens would differ from both the Public service and the commercial media.

"We support such a concession and we hope that such a local TV could come to life. In every medium, awareness should be at a higher level, even in our own. The basic thing in every environment is that the local administration presents to the citizens what it does, and that is best done through the media. In this context, we see the work of a local and non-profit TV company that, by its concept and functioning, would replace what, for objective and other reasons, missed the Public service and commercial television“, said the president of Petnjica municipality and similar opinions were Roundtable discussions.

Otherwise, the yesterday's Roundtable in Petnjica was the third in a row, which was organized by NGO "Spona" within the framework of the realization of the project "Open Television (OTV)", which is one of the partners of the project. Before Petnjica, they were held in Bijelo Polje and Andrijevica.

In addition to the NGO "Spona", as the only one from Montenegro, the Open Television (OTV) project is implemented by partner organizations from Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the project leader is the Media research center (MIC) from Niš.

The realization of the project started on November 1, 2017, and ends on September 30th.

Anđela Suvajac          

Photos: Portal Radio Petnjica




September 28, 2018

Place: Municipal Assembly hall Petnjica.

Time: Roundtable held from 11. am and 15. minutes to 12. pm and 20. minutes.

Presented by: Denis Šabotić, Denis Božović, Predrag Lutovac, Slobodan Obradović, Iko Latić, Lion Hodžić, Amela Ramdedović, Adis Duraković, Osman Hadrović, Violeta Kiković, Samir Agović, Saša Radunović and Vidak Labović.

The Roundtable was opened by Saša Radunović- executive director of NGO Spona, who introduced the participants to the roundtable discussion, stating that it is being organized within the framework of the project "Open Television", which is supported by the EU.  He announced that this is the third such activity realized by “Spona”, adding that she is only one of the four partners involved in the project, which ends in a couple of days. He stressed that no one should think that the opening of such a television is safe, but that a project is being implemented, which, if the donor assessed justification, could support the further activities of the partners at the opening of a local TV channeled by NGOs.Denis Bozović, a journalist, supported the idea of “Spona” and partner, stating that such a local and non-profit TV station would have a positive change in informing citizens about events that marked their environment. As Predrag Lutovac announced, he is sure that all present NGO representatives support such an idea, because the civil sector in the north of the country would receive its medium, which would regularly monitor their activities, which TVCG and commercial media, for their reasons, do not work. Participating in the discussion, Iko Latić asked if anyone in “Spona” knows how much the cost of opening such an NGO is and in order for it to be financed, and Sasa Radunovic replied that he initially said that it was a project whose first phase was marked by such a similar manifestations and that only in the following period, if  the EU assessed the justification, it could have been known how much the local TV would cost to finance it. Lion Hodzic asked the question "How much such TV could go far in freedom, without fear of the authorities, both local and state level", and Sasa Radunovic told him that it would be free as much as the free NGOs that would be founded. Proposing the conclusions, in the work of the Roundtable, Samir Agović- president of the Municipality of Petnjica, also joined in the work, which proposed to adopt the conclusion that the local government supports the idea of opening a local television.  He regretted that no one from Petnjica was involved in the School of Journalism, which is being realized. He made a proposal to conclude that, if Petnjica Municipality needs help, “Spona” can count on any kind of assistance, even to talk with EU representatives and to fully support the implementation of the project. The roundtable was closed by Sasa Radunovic, thanks to the participants in the discussions and suggestions, emphasizing that this phase of the project ends in two days, that “Spona” about everything that was heard at this and previous roundtables in its report will inform the project owner, and the donor I that only in a few months will it be possible to see if there is a possibility for such a TV station to open.                                  

Dr. Vidak Labović                                                                                                    

President of the assembly NGO "Spona"



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